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Te Rākau Tupu o Te Ataarangi

Te Ataarangi Methodologies

Ka poipoi i te tangata kia pakari ai tana tū

TE RĀKAU TUPU O TE ATAARANGI provides a national training pathway into the kaupapa of Te Ataarangi, its learning and teaching practices. Delivered on marae within Te Tauihu for those wanting to work in the immersion learning and teaching space.


Based on regular learning sessions in community venues

What's Involved

Trainees will explore the kaupapa of Te Ataarangi, its philosophies and methodologies of learning and teaching, plan, practise and evaluate with learners from their own whānau, hapū, iwi and apply self-reflection activities to improve personal and professional practice

What to expect

Four (4) noho marae and One (1) hui akoako in your district

22 -23 o Pepuere 

3 – 4 o Mei

13 – 14 o Hepetema

15 – 16 o Noema

Self-directed tasks and practicums will be part of the training. Trainees will have access to digital learning support resources.

What time

Noho marae and hui akoako are weekends.

Group Size

Learner groups are clusters of 8-15 in your district.

Districts Available

The Top of the South



Funding support for this programme means there are no direct fees however you will be responsible for your own travel costs

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